A common trait found in Wapping Church members is a natural inclination to lend a hand when people need one. You can see this in simple things, like the large crews of kids and adults that spruce up our property throughout the year, to more complex activities such as the ongoing programs we run that help friends and neighbors in the greater South Windsor community. To get involved, contact our office:

Foodshare provides essential food support for individuals with limited financial resources, helping them access the nourishment they need for good health. In addition, we offer a free luncheon each December and distribute coats, mittens, gloves, and scarves to those in need.

We organize food drives to support the Manchester Area Conference of Churches, offer gift cards for holiday meals, and provide gift cards for Christmas presents.

Covenant to Care
Our congregation actively supports students and children in need through generous donations. Each year, we provide backpacks filled with school supplies for students to start the school year prepared. Additionally, during the holiday season, we contribute Christmas gifts to brighten the lives of children and bring joy to their celebrations.

SW Food & Fuel Bank
Our volunteers conduct food drives, distribute gift cards for holiday meals, and provide additional gift cards for Christmas presents.

Crop Walk
Each October we host a community walk dedicated to ending world hunger. This event brings people together to raise awareness and funds for hunger relief efforts, aiming to make a meaningful impact in the fight against global food insecurity.

A faith-based non-profit dedicated to assisting those in need with essentials such as food, clothing, shelter, and support. Our church provides donations to support Cornerstone and organizes clothing drives to further aid our community.

Habitat for Humanity
Scout Bottle & Can Drive
Stephen Ministry
A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals in our community create a place they can call home. Our church actively supports Habitat for Humanity through a dedicated team of volunteers.
Twice a year, we hold a bottle and can drive to support the Boy and Girl Scouts in Hartford's North End.
One-to-one, free, confidential Christ-centered care provided to our congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties by one of our trained Stephen Ministers.

Touchstones Ministry
Touchstones is a visitation ministry provided by members of our congregation to show homebound parishioners that they are often thought of by Wapping Church.

As a community church, we deeply value our role in both religious and civic life in South Windsor. Our clergy and members actively participate in a range of town events, including Memorial Day and veterans' recognition ceremonies, the annual multi-denominational Thanksgiving service, South Windsor Heritage Day, and various historic celebrations. Additionally, we proudly host two increasingly popular events open to everyone: our Easter Egg Hunt and Halloween trunk-or-treat, which have become cherished traditions in the community. Through these activities, we strive to foster a strong sense of connection and celebration within our town.

Throughout the year, our church's sanctuary becomes a welcoming setting for weddings and funerals, often serving members as well as individuals who may have little or no prior connection to our church. People are drawn to our iconic white New England Congregational church, located in the heart of town, through word of mouth, or simply by the church's reputation for providing a serene and beautiful environment. Regardless of how they come to us, we are honored to offer a warm, comforting space for these deeply personal and significant life events. Our goal is to provide a supportive and meaningful sanctuary where families and loved ones can find solace and celebrate their milestones with dignity and grace.
Contact our office to inquire more details.