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Wapping Community Church-Confirmaton.JPG

Wapping Community Church offers a comprehensive confirmation experience (program of faith formation) to Junior High youth.  Curriculum is based on the UCC handbook, “A Congregation’s Guide to Confirmation, Affirming Faith.”  Classes are taught by the Sr. Pastor, Minister of Discipleship and Missions, Deacons and other faith-filled adult lay people.

Sessions include Community Life, Our History and Heritage, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church, God’s Gifts and Our Response.  Lessons are interactive, activity and discussion-based opportunities to spiritually connect with God and one another.  Participants appreciate meaningful engagement around exploring, articulating and growing their faith.  The experience includes a retreat, visits to other churches, and several mission components.

The Rite of Confirmation occurs at the end of the confirmation experience, during Sunday worship.  Once confirmed, Confirmands are full members of the church, with all the privileges and rights assigned to any member.

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